Monday, June 04, 2007

Prologue Number 1:
Somewhat Earlier at the Pearly Gates Of Heaven:

St Peter announces,"Hear yea,here yea,it is now time to judge three of the last non living presidents of The United States Of America.First...Mr......Reagan."


"You are deemed worthy of Heaven.All access is yours,"begins St.Peter,"But Heaven is a big place.God,in his ultimate sense of humour,has decreed that your mode of transportation will be judged by how faithful you have been to your spouse.Mr.....Reagan,how many times have you cheated on your wife?"

"Well...only with Nancy.But I loved her and ended up marrying her.She,well,she was the love of my life."

St.Peter snickers,"Yes,humph,we get that all the time.And did you ever cheat on Nancy?"

"Heavens no,pardon the pun."

"Hmmm,I see.Well,for that you get to traverse Heaven in a 1982 AMC Spirit.Standard shift.You may go.Welcome to Heaven Mr.....President."And with that Ronald Reagan walks through the Pearly Gates of Heaven.

"Next....Yes,Um,"St.Peter clears his throat,"Aaah a Mr....Nixon.


"You are deemed worthy of Heaven.All access is yours.Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,Blah,How many times have you cheated on your wife?"

Nervously,"Oh,what?Never.I would never have cheated on Pat.Oh,Never.She would of had my balls."

St.Peter stares at tricky Dick,"I see....Well for that Mr....President,you get to drive around Heaven in a 1965 Cadillac convertible.Cherry red.It is one sweet ride,Mr... President.Congratulations.Welcome to Heaven."

"Sweet Jesus-Ah no offense-That's my favorite car."And with that Richard Nixon walks into Heaven.

Finally,St.Peter gets to JFK,"You are deemed worthy;all many women?"

"Hun-dreds and hun-dreds.Some-times three at-once.BUt-in my dee-fence..I really really LIKED IT."

"Hmm,It seems you and King David would have a lot to talk about.,"St. Peter shuffles some papers,"Well,I appreciate your honesty..but...the best I can do for you is a 1934 Schwinn bicycle."

And with that-President Kennedy striding through the Pearly Gates of Heaven-we end our first prologue.
Prologue number 2.The Now,In Heaven:

Richard Nixon is cruising along a long straight back road in his 65 cherry red Caddy convertable.The sun is setting-the weather,perfect.The bass is boomin',the car is bouncing,and tricky Dick is singing along to the music,"Fresh out of jail lights hail from a black celebritySo thats the reason why I callAnd maybe you with itFantansies of something can I hit it (Ha Ha)Addicted to the things you doIts still true what I'm saying BooCuz this is All About U Every other city we goEvery other videoIts all about uNo matter where I goI see the same hoe."

Suddenly,off in the right hand ditch in front of him,Mr.Nixon sees the top(or would it be the bottom?)of a bent bicycle wheel spinning in a wobbly sort of way.As he gets closer,he sees a foot sticking up..and even above the music he hears maniacal laughter.

Hurriedly,Richard Nixon pulls to the curb and jumps out to see what is the matter.There,lying and the muddy ditch,scratched up,bleeding,disheveled,bruised,his foot caught on the bike petal,is JFK.He is laughing hilariously.

Quickly,Richard runs to him,and starts helping him up,"Johnny,your bike is wrecked,your bloody and bruised,filthy with mud...what possibly could be soo funny that you are laughing so hysterically?Tell me,Johnny,just what could be so funny?"

"Ay just saw the Pope on roller skates."

"Honestly,"says President Nixon picking up JFK's broken bike and taking it to the trunk of his car,"I don't get your Boston area humour at all."

"Ooow,My back.It is sore.What brings you out this way any way,Richard?"

"I was playing checkers with Clarence,when I get this call from Gabriel that Ronald,you and I are supposed to meet him at the north wing of the Angel's building.It's just good luck me running into you,here.Well..I actually didn't run into you..but you know what I mean."

"Yes,the fates were kind,"said president Kennedy limping into the passenger seat,"What is this about?We don't even have our wings."

"I don't know,"starts Nixon as he puts the car back into drive and begins pulling back onto the highway,"Something he said only we could handle."

The music begins to play again,"No matter where I go I see the same hoe.."

"Wait,turn that up.I like this song,"said Kennedy.

As they drive the straight line road into the sunset,president Nixon says,"Heaven does have the best music."

"Yes,yes it does."

Prologue # Three: Inside the North Wing of the Angel Building:

The angel Gabriel looks just like Andy Warhol.As he walks back in forth in front of the large college like classroom he walks with his hands behind his back.In his right hand he holds a blackboard poker{Though,in fact,the blackboard is green}.He keeps slapping it against his left hand.His wings are a large mostly golden colour.A few feathers are missing,and some are different colours.They make his wings look some what like Indian corn.

Off to one side of him is Don Knotts.Don is standing at attention.He has somewhat smaller,yet perfectly formed golden wings.

Sitting in front of the classroom,in the three center-most chairs,are John F.Kennedy,Richard M. Nixon and Ronald W.Reagan.

Gabriel speaks,"Good day,gentlemen.As you may know,I am the angel Gabriel,this is my first lieutenant,Don.Let's get right to business.There has been a high level of unusual prayer requests on the 'Prayer Net' concerning one of your own.If you will,Mr.Knotts."

A big 72" flatscreen HDTV appears out of the floor.On the screen is a giant cloud nebula.Stars sparkle as voices seem to come out of mean,Don,starts speaking,"NOW,meN,I----Want you to LISTEN to these PRAYERS.They're COMING FRom ALL Over the world."

"Please,God,help this man.""God!The man's a freakin' fool.""JESUS!I can't believe this idiot!""LOrd,Please guide him to do what is best.""OHLord,Oh,Lord,oh Lord Of Mercy."Yeeh Yaaa!Thank you Lord for such a fool."

"Aay Don't understand,"States Kennedy,"Do they like this man...or hate him?"

"I think I get it,"begins Nixon,"These are all very passionate prayers either for-OR-against this man."

"Well,Now here at the Rock we have two rules.Rule number one:obey all rules.Rule number two:no writing on the walls".

The angel Knotts stares at president Reagan and then proceeds,"Now,this is JUST a random sampling.Prayers like this are coming from every where around the globe.What WEEE Have Heeere is a crisis of EPIC perportions.THIS could become the END of All..."

"Thank you,Lieutenant," Gabriel interjects,"-let's not get ahead of ourselves.The man everyone is praying about is President George W.Bush."

"I hate that young whipper snapper,"interupts president Reagan,"He kept stealing all of my cotton candy Jelly Bellies.I knew he'd end up no good."

"Aay am sorry,but I do not know this young man.And what the hell are cotton candy Jelly Bellies?"

"Is there any way that we all can be brough up to date about this situation.The last time I saw George 'W' Bush he kicked me in the shin."

"Aay like him already.Aay like spunky little kids"

"He was twenty one!"

"Gentlemen,Please.Lieutenant,Please start the film."

Popcorn instantly appears on each of the president's laps,"Well,yes.I do like popcorn.Yes...."

Chapter ONE:
begin," starts lieutenant Don Knotts, "With George W. Bush still sucking at the teat."

"My God!He's seventeen years old!"exclaims a startled president Nixon.

"And why is he sucking on George Washington?"questions JFK.

"Sssh,"says Ronald Reagan chopping on popcorn,"I can't hear."

"Mom,I...I don't want ta go ta Yale.I'm..I'm scared."

"Ooh,George,they are all our people-good folk,"She stops stroking his hair and reaches into her apron.She pulls out a silver spoon,"..And you can always have your lucky spoon..."

"Aaww,Ma,"says George,hugging his Mother.

Don pushes the remote,"Let's MOve forward a little bit,HERE.Now,George is joining a SEcret club at Yale called,'Skull and BONES'.They are at a place called,DEER Island...LET'S listen in...

...there is a group of hooded figures sitting around a large wooden dining table inside of an old cabin.Surrounded by these figures are three figures with their hoods down.George is one of them.He is bending and twisting a silver fork in his hands.One of the hooded figures is whispering to another hooded figure,"I'm telling you,he is a complete moron.I had it all fixed up for him to sleep with Annette Funichello and he said he had cheerleader try outs...and look look what he's doing to Hitler's fork"

"I know what you mean...he keeps repeating,'Stay the course,'.What a goof."
"Let's just give him one last chance.Hey!I know,We'll give him that 'Task Of The Three.""Ha!Great one[chuckling].If he completes that one...well,we'll have to let him in..but...if he doesn't..our bylaws say he has to go...agreed?" "Agreed-great work John.'"Well us Kerry's are quite quick on our feet."

John stands up and taps his wine glass,"Hee Haw-Uhm,attention.George,pick choice One,Two or Three."


"George,you chose wisely.You have picked,'The Task Of The Three'.Stand up George.With nothing but the sweater,pants,socks and shoes that you are wearing,you must complete these three tasks by sunrise.First,you must down this fifth of Jack Daniels without stopping.Second,you must find a local Indian woman and make love to her.Third,you must kill a grizzly bear."

As the screen shows George downing the liquor,JFK says,"Theeey must have really hated him.That is the same trick we pulled on Teddy.Except for the grizzly bear part.We told him he had to drive his car off a bridge,instead.He wouldn't do it.We kicked him out.We had a good laugh on that one."

"It's an impossible mission.Come on,what happened.?"

"Ssh,quite.I can't hear."

"Let me just forward this thing a bit,"states Donald,"Aah,here we are."

It is later in the evening.Most of the 'kights' are asleep as morning light is beginning in the bible black pre-dawn sky,"I am really worried,"states John to his friend,"The other two were back ages ago.""I know,"says his comrade,"If it was anyone else but us,we could get in allot of trouble."

Suddenly,the door bursts open.It is George.He is bloody,scrapped to hell and his clothes are ripped to shreds.He is still staggering drunk,"George,George,what has happened to you?"asks John as his fellow 'Skull and boners' wake up.George staggers over to an open bottle of whiskey and downs a couple of slugs...."Now,"he somewhat slurs..."Where ish this Indian woman you wanted me to kill?"

Chapter Two:
"THIS begins AN ex- CEPTional period in young GEOrge's LIFE," continues the lieutenant angel Don Knotts, "He SOOON realized that EVEN amongst the richEST and MOST privileged, when he was SNOOKERED, not only was he richer AND MORE privILEGED.His laissez-faire attitude was a gift from God-And MAKE NOOO MISTAKE,GENTLEMEN-THis waas A Gift from GOD!Young George was NOT HINdered by second guessing himself.HEEE was NOT HINdered by quesTIONING THEE Morality of HIS actions.YOUNG GEORGEKNEW his ASS was covered.HE know HE WAS THE LUCKIEST SON OF A ..."

"Thank you,Don,"interrupts the angel Gabriel,but you are letting your passion s get the best of you...."

"WHat!?!I was GOINg to say Son of a 'CONGRESSMAN'!"

"Yes,of course you were.Now,men,His daddy got him a cushion job flying F-102's in the Texas National Guard."

On the giant Tv screen a video shows a troop transport blowing up in Vietnam,and then another one,"My gad,what the hell is this?Is that Vietnam?I thought we were getting the hell out of there."

President Nixon coughs and shuffles his feet.

Preisdent Reagan asks,"Why are you showing us this war footage?what happened to our other movie?"

"Yes,"goes Kennedy,"Why are you showing these brave young men dying?I thought you were telling us about young George W.Bush."

"I am.I am showing you these senseless deaths because young George wasn't there to save them."

"Yeeeeh Haaaah!"The 72" HDTV shows a giant close up of George in the cockpit of a F-102.He is wearing his flightsuit and helmet with the oxygen mask attached.He is upside down turning rightside up and looking back at his antics,"Yeeh Haw!I never could have done this sober!"

The next image is of a jet flying thunderously close over a women's dorm.On the roof,topless sunbathers are covering themselves up while grabbing for their flying away bikini tops.

"Hot Dog!I hope Jeb's got that on camra."

"Nixon is vivid,"That was inexcusably reckless.Look how close he came to crashing into the men's dormitory!The horror!

"My,those were some big breasted women."

"Well,when I was in The First Motion Picture Unit of The Air Force,it was unnecessary to show those naked woman ."

"GentleMEN,"Lt.Knotts orders,"Eyes forward.The screen goes to two pilots walking back to the hanger from their planes.One is obviously our hero,George Dubya,"I'll never pass the drug screen.I'm tellin' ya,I can't fly these boys sober.They scare the shit outta me.I admit it.I am a hater.I hate daddy's politics,but ...[whispering in close]...daddy's gonna get me stationed down in New Orleans,down in Alabama.Hell,I'm gonna party soo much-I ain't even gonna bother ta show up."

His buddy simply says,"Sweet."

Chapter Three:

"THE NEXT five years ARE a BLUR To our Hero,"Don Knotts says as the 'Kiss' song,'Rock And Roll All Night' starts blaring from the giant 72" HDTV's speakers.Quickly,snapshots of George W.Bush partying flash by.Almost every snapshot shows some sort of debauchery:partying with sheiks,whopping it up at a disco or rocking out with Joe Walsh;drawing a mustache on a sleeping National Guard buddy,or lighting a fart around a campfire with a Bic lighter.From his car window,showing a cop his driver's license.Playing strip poker with five strippers in a varied states of undress-woman's panties on top of his head-smoking a fat Cuban cigar.Glassy eyed and smiling at a Republican campaign headquarters;sleeping on a floor-beer bottles and pizza boxes around him;in a bathroom with Hank Williams Jr.

Suddenly,the music stops and we see Dubya,dressed in an old fashioned football uniform,coming out of a library with a very pretty girl.It is getting dark,and the full moon is partially obscured by clouds.Bush is in an apparent giddy mood,skipping quickly around his pretty girlfriend,"Ya sure ya don't want to go to the Halloween party with me,Laura?"

"It's a disgusting pagan holiday,George."

As they continue walking,George goes on,"Whatta ya want,Laura?Ya want me to lasso the moon for ya?Cuz,I can,ya know."


"I'll just lasso my rope around it and pull it towards ya."

Laura stops and puts her hands on George's chest,"Oh,George,"She sniffs,"George,are you high?"

"Why,no,Laura,not on drugs,anyway.You,you Laura,just looking at you makes me high.Come on,let me buy ya a chocolate soda,"He opens the door to the local hamburger joint.They find a booth and sit down.

Having ordered their food,they are sipping their soda out of the same glass,but with two differnt straws.Laura puts her hands flat over 'W's,"Last night was wonderful,George.You really know how to make a lady feel special."

George takes a packet of artificial sweentener from the sugar jar and rips it open,and starts sniffing it.

George?George?Why are you inhaling the Sweet N' Low?George"

"Why,"chuckles Dubya,"It's Diet Coke.Get it,Diet coke?"

Quickly,Laura kicks the booth's table over into George.The lip falls across 'W's neck,pinning him down.Laura grabs a seriated butter knife and presses it's point firmly into George's pant crotch:Hard.With her shoulder she presses the table ledge harder against her startled and frightened boyfriend's neck,"You listen to me,you son of a jackass,"she snarls at him,"I love you with all of my heart and all of my soul.And what you do when you are away from me is your own business,but if I ever hear of you talking about drugs again,so help I will cut your wiener off and tell your Momma I shoved it down your throat because you sodomized me with it.Do I make myself clear?"

"But,but I never sodom..."

She sticks the knife into him with more force,"DOoo I make myselve Clea?"

"Ya,yes,maam,"gulps George.

Laura pushes the table back to the floor,steadies it,and straightens out the condiments and such,"Why,George,how silly of me.I am soo sorry to have spilled our drink on your lap.I am soo sorry.Here's a napkin."

Somewhat dishevelled,George says,"No,no,Laura,my darlin',it,it was my fault.
Chapter Four:

"Laura was good for George, and soon they were married, "Begins the angel, Gabriel, "He ran for congress.."

..."And lost,"interjects Don Knotts.

"...They soon joined Laura's Methodist church.Had the twins and he worked hard on The Arbusto/Bush Exploration Company.But it was in 1984 just before he became director of The United bank of Midland that his life took a drastic turn...

...We start in between scenes:Mr.Potter is sitting down behind his desk,his aide,Karl at his side.George W. has a cigar in his hand and is telling Mr.Potter off,"Wait a minute.Wait a minute.I see what you're up to.You,you think you can run everybody don't ya Mr.Potter.You,you think you can offer me a position at your bank..and,and everything will be just fine.Well,let me tell ya,Mr.Potter..there,there are allot of good people out there counting on me.You're just a pitiful old man.Forget it,Mr.Potter.You can have your offer."

"George,"draws out Mr.Potter,"Your trouble is is that you think you have a choice....Karl...." Karl grabs George by the back of his shirt and slams George's head against Mr.Potter's desk top three of four times.Then,with George staggering,he opens a bottle of whiskey and pours it all over George,"See,George,you don't have a say in the matter.You just got drunk and choked on a pretzel and passed out and hit your head.Your good buddy,here,Karl,will take you home,now and tell Laura that he tried to stop you,but that you were out celebrating with me.Congratulations,George.Big things,George,big things.We're gonna go far together...very far."

The scene changes quickly again,George and Laura arguing in their kitchen.George has a raw steak on his forehead and Laura is trying to manage the rambunctious twins,"But...But I'm tellin'ya,Laura,that's,that's exactly what happened.Don't,don't cha believe me,Honey?"

"For the last time George,I am not mad at you.I'm happy.You don't have to make up stories for me.You did that right thing,"she gets up close to George and puts her hands on his chest,"What was the last think Mr.Potter said,'Big things/Going very far'.George,don't you see,this is exactly what we needed..."

"But,but,but,I'm tellin' ya,Honey.I'm,I'm telling ya the truth!"

"George,I know you're feeling a bit over whelmed right now.I have an idea.Why don't you go and take that brand new chain saw I got you for Christmas and take your anxieties out on the brush along the fence line.That'll make you feel better.Go on,now,I'll call you in for supper."

Chapter Five:

The angel Gabriel,with a tap of his pointer,refreshes all three of the president's drinks and popcorn,"Life goes by quickly for George after this,"speeded up images quickly go by on the 72" HDTV,"Laura talks him into quitting drinking..."

"...Yet,"interjects lieutenant Don Knotts,"He still manages to project a 'playboy' lifestyle as the visual owner of the Texas Rangers[a clip of him throwing out a first pitch and hugging the catcher is put on the screen],and except for trading Sammy Sosa,everyone loves him."

"Soon he is helping is Dad run for president,and then running a race of his own.."

.."And he becomes governor of Texas-twice."

"Aaah,the governorship,wish I could have been governor,"sighs,Richard Nixon.

"Oh,"begins Ronald sipping his cola,"I liked it.That is where I first found Jelly Bellies."

"What the hell are Jelly Bellies?Is that some kind of new name for gerrymandering?"

"Well,No,they're jelly beans with flavoring not only on the outside shell,but also in the inside jelly,yes."

"They sound delicious...sort of like Marilyn Monroe"

"Oooh,"Nixon shudders.

"People,we are trying to watch a movie",interrupts Lieutenant Don.

"Now,"continues Gabe,"Let's pick up with a conversation between Dubya,Karl and Mr.Potter....

..."Dang it,George,"mumbles Mr.Potter,You've executed many prisoners before.Do you want to become president someday or not?"

"It's,it's just that he's could he even know what he was doin'?"

"George..."hisses Karl,"I thought you called yourself a Christian?"

"I...I am.that's why I am thinking this way."

"George,"hisses Karl,again,"You sound so much like a liberal.Will you be preaching abortions or even gay marriage,next?"

Potter slams down his cane against his desk,"Karl,shut your trap.Just because you are correct,you have no right talking to young George that way,"Karl hisses as he backs up,"Now,listen to me George,you have a good heart,but Karl is right.While he has no right to talk to you that way,you should be listening to what he's saying.In fact,"snorts Mr.Potter,"Karl will never steer you wrong."

Dubya stares at the old man,as Mr Potter carries on,"But you are not seeing the BIG PICTURE.How many people died in this war of your father's..allot ,I suppose....but now the nations oil supply is secure."

"What's that got to do with killing ..."

"Dang it,George,how many people die in traffic accidents every day?Do the people care?No!Why?I'll tell you why,because the nation runs on oil.People's lives and livelyhoods depend on oil.They have to get to work.It is a price the people are willing to pay.So what if uncle Jake dies in a car crash,or cousin Bertha in an industrial accident.The masses in their greed don't care.They still work.They still drive."

"Take away their precious oil and they will hang you up by your balls,"Hisses Karl.

Potter,again,snaps his cane at Karl,"Not all poor people are murderers,George.That's what this all about.Protecting the good people.Tell me George,how are you protecting your people George,by not punishing a murderer?Why,you're the good shepherd-protect your sheep,George.It's your Christian duty."

Chapter Six:

"He's the son of a president,Governor of Texas,yet people see him as one of their own,"states JFK.

"He raises the standards for education,yet dumbs down his speech,"muses Nixon.

"He farted in the presidential limousine.Nancy was soo mad."sneers Ronald.

Gabe speaks again to the BIG Three,"These were both glorious and dark times for our hero,gentlemen.Dark deals in smoky rooms.Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.Dubya slipped futher and further down the slippery slope of major league politics as he rose higher and higher up the political machine.Mr.Potter encouraged him with his doctrine of twisted truths.Karl twisted truths into lies and George spouted them all.

"There was only one bright spot in the otherwise dark but shining time for George W.Bush....Lieutenant."

Lt.Don Knotts pushes a button on the Tv remote in his hand.The 72 " HDTV immediately goes to the Oval Office.Condoleezza Rice is alone with the new president,sitting on his lap.Condi is showing off her voluptuous legs by crossing them over Dubya's lap.She is seductively twirling his hair with her finger.Her other hand flat against his shoulder,"But Georgey,you're different then other men,"she says,lightly kissing his ear,"The rules don't apply to you."

"But,but,Condi,darlin',isn't this what got Willey into trouble,"George says,gulping hard.

"Oh,poo,Georgey.Are you comparing me to an ugly intern?"she starts tracing her left index finger along his chest,"Don't you want me?"her left hand starts moving lower.

"Wha-what about Laura?"

"Georgey,"Condi whispers in W's ear,"You're the President Of The United States.You have men who will take bullets for you,"he feels her hand against him,"Is it fair for the man with his finger on the button to push it just because he has blue balls?"

The president gulps hard,"Ummm.."

"All of your Sadia friends have more than one wife.I could be your hot political wife.Hmmmm,do you feel like pushing the button,now?"

"Umm,no.Not really."

Condi,touching him,whispers in his ear in Russian,"Я хочу сделать, занимался любовью с Вами.[I want to make mad love to you.]"

"Hot damn!She is hot.Way to go,Georgey."

"This..this is disgusting...right..right in the Oval Office!"

"Oh,goodie,a love scene."

"Opps,sorry,"pleads Don Knotts,"I had this thing on 'Fantasy' mode.Click-Don aims at the Tv and pushes another button...

..."Mr.President?"Condoleeza is sitting across from President,George W.Bush.Her legs are crossed and she has a bunch of folders in her lap,"Mr.President?have you heard a word I've said?"

"I'm sorry,yes,go ahead,Condi."

"I was saying,Mr. President,that I think we can afford to put this,"she holds up a folder,"This Bin Laden,al-Qaeda,thing on the back burner while we try to figure out a way of getting into Iraq."

"Oh,yes,yes,of course."

Chapter Seven:

"Next,"said the angel Gabriel turning away from the Tv screen to look at the president's faces,"Disaster struck."

The ex-presidents look on in a silent stunned horror.Lt.Donald changes the scene to George W. reading an upside down children's book in a Sarasota elementary class room.

"Why is he just sitting there?" asks president Reagan.

"Get up and do something,you fool,"shouts Richard Nixon.

"Ah,there he goes,"states JFK as he watches Bush finally leave the classroom.

Don Knotts speaks,"This is president Bush's finest hour.He actually raises to the occasion and forges the nation forward,"The giant 72' HDTV shows mutiple images of state after state;neighborhood after neighborhood,all showing every house and every apartment building displaying and waving American flags.

"This is what I am talking about!"gleams JFK.

'Skreeeeeeeeeeeech,'suddenly an awful noise penetrates evey fiber of the heavenly viewing room,"My,oh,my,"pleads Reagan covering his ears,"What is that racket?"

Nixon points to the screen.It is Donald Rumsfeld scratching his fingernails against a blackboard.Rummy speaks,"You want to get that mad-man's oil,I'm the man ta do it."

"Now,now wait just a guard dern minute.I said Laura said we should go after him.You know,to finish what my Daddy started.But shouldn't we finish with Afghanistan first?Shouldn't we show the people the head of Osama bin Laden,first.Ya know,all the generals are tellin' me we should stay the course-finish this mission..then if we have to..we invade Iraq."

"George,"begins Mr.Potter picking up a Bible,"Have you ever even read this?"

"Umm,bits and pieces,"

"Well,George,In the book of 'First Kings',it tells a story of Solomon's son,Rehoboam.Now,George,did you know that Solomon was Israel's wisest leader,and THE son of David...You remember David,don't you?"

"Say yessssss,"whispers Karl to the President.


"Well,Solomon was David's direct descendent...Just like Jesus....are you following me,boy?"


"Dang it boy.This is prophecy!Jesus is David,your father is Solomon....That means that you are Rehoboam.Say it."

"I am Rehoboam."

"Good,"goes Potter,"Now Solomon was the king who built the Temple.He had to raise the people's taxes to do it.But now that the temple was built and Solomon was dead,the people were asking why they should follow Rehoboam...just what was in it for them?"

"I am Rehoboam,"smiles George.

"Good,you're getting it.Not knowing what to do,Rehoboam went to his father's trusted advisors.They told him to lower the taxes,and the people would follow him forever."

"So,I,Rehoboam,lowered their taxes,right.That's wise."

Potter hits his cane against George's table,"No,dang it boy,you-Rehoboam-did not.He went to his younger generals and took their advice instead.They told him him that his thumb was stronger then his father's whole body."

"That's a mighty strong thumb."

"Dang it boy.He ended up raising taxes and splitting Israel in two forever.If he would had only listened to his trusted advisor's instead of his younger generals,Israel would have remained strong and never divided.Now,George,you are Rehoboam...are you going to listen to your young generals and divide this great nation,or are you going to trust your loyal advisors,and save this great country?"

"I get it....raising taxes is BAD!"

"Wha-?No...ah...Close enough.Now go on Rummy,you were saying."

"First-we don't need many troops.We will be greeted as liberators..."
Chapter Eight:

Next,Creedence Clearwater Revival's 'Fortunate Son' is blaring out of the Tv's Bose sound system.A barrage of Iraqi war photos flick by...Night Vision aerial bombings-Saddam's statue being pulled down-George W.Bush in full pilot regalia aboard an aircraft carrier with the banner:'Mission Accomplished' behind him.We hear Georgie say the words,"Weapons Of Mass Destruction" and "Liberators" and "We are at War" and "Carry on as normal and "Lower taxes."

"Seems to me,"says Kennedy,"More like a party then a war.Cutting taxes?Shouldn't there be gas rationing,instead?""

"Oh,quit being an old fuddy duddy,"Says Ronald Wilson Reagan.

"I agree with Johnny.This seems more like a party at Yale then another Vietnam."

The music switches over to another C.C.R. song.This time it is,'Born On The Bayou'.Other imagines,now,project on the screen...Mass evacuations-Hurricane Katrina blowing in-people inside the Super Dome-people walking through waste deep waste water-helicopters saving people on roof tops-news reporters crying-dead bodies-people looting for food-and George W.Bush playing a guitar,"Wait,here's another one,"he starts singing,"Tip-toe through the tulips"...Finally the screen goes to the Houston Astro Dome in Texas as it is filling up with refugees.

The screen then goes blank.The three presidents hear these words coming from Barbara Bush,"Don't worry,son,this is a step up for most of 'these' people."

"Gentlemen,"goes the angel Gabriel,"This is where things start going south for our hero."

Chapter Nine:

The angel lieutenant Don Knotts is speaking,"Now,men,here is where our hero,George,starts losing faith.He is on the phone in the Oval Office."....

......"Yah,Hi, ya doing?Look,things are really building up.Mr.Potter keeps telling me to shut up or he'll shoot me in the face...and ya know...I think he will.Laura keeps harpin' on me---don't tell her I said harpin'----bout getting some dang blasted hospital built in Iraq.I can't even promise her that.Karl keeps hsssing at me...and know(in a whisper)you know..I think he may have been wrong...Condi..well she's fine..real fine.Well and this Cindy Schiavo thing...and Terri Sheehan thing and this Katrina thing..Hell..sorry...heck..I've been there eight times what more could they ask of me..that's good leading.....

"....what?No,I'm not back on the sauce...well a little Jack Daniels before press conferences,but that's just for nerves.See,I'm Rehoboam.Yeah,Solomon's son...Gotta stay the course.Can't cut and run.I'm God's instrument..What?Everyone,Laura,Mr.Potter,Condi,Bill O'Reilly..They all can can't be wrong.They can?

"Ah,look, Graham,that's what I been thinkin,too.I mean them Democrats are in control now...but it was Katrina that got me thinking.See,I like New Orleans..If God punished it because it was sinful..well..I was like New Orleans...maybe God is punishing me...

"...You want me to do what?..Just at random?Before bedtime?Well...OK.I don't see how it'll...yes,Sir,yes,Sir,I do trust you.Yes,Sir,I am sorry to have interrupted your Christmas Eve sermon..."

With that the angel Gabriel speaks,"Now,men,Mr.Presidents,this is where you three come in....
Chapter Ten:

George is sitting in his White House study reading The Bible out loud,"Is it lawful for us to pay tribute to Caesar or not?"Recognizing their craftiness he said to them,"Show me a denarius;whose image and name does it bear?" They replied,"Caesar's."So he said to them, "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God."

He gently closes the book,"Huh,Could that possibly be talking about the separation of church and state?"

Slowly,George re-opens the Bible again at random,and begins to read,"Samuel's response was:"You have been foolish! Had you kept the command the LORD your God gave you, the LORD would now establish your kingship in Israel as lasting;but as things are, your kingdom shall not endure. The LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and has appointed him commander of his people, because you broke the LORD'S command."

He closes the book,"Now,I didn't get that one."

He closes and re-opens the good book,"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it. Unless the Lord keeps the city -- the watchmen waketh but in vain,"Dubya closes the book,again,"This is all like a secret code.I just don't get it.One more try."

He opens the Bible again and starts reading,"Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree!

"This is really boring{yawn} math,or troop strength{yawn}....I think I'll just close my eyes here a minute before I get back into it.......ZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Chapter Eleven:

"George,wake up.George,"Our president feels someone nudging his shoulder,"Come on,now,George.I don't have all night."

George opens his eye,"Aaah!!!"He curls up in a ball,"it's,it's true...this place is haunted...I thought I saw your portrait's eyes looking at me once!"

"That wasn't me.Now,get up,George,we have allot to talk about."

George braces himself,and comes to his feet.He re-arranges his clothing by tugging at his shirt.In bravery,he stiffens his lower lip,and puts out his hand,"Mr...Mr.President..Mr.Kennedy,I'm,I'm please to meet you."

JFK,with his usual charm,smiles back and shakes George's hand,"George,I'm from Heaven.I am here to help you out."

"Look,Condi,is just a fantasy."

"No,you moron.Not with the chicks."

"Then..then how?"

"George,you have lost your way.I am here to help put you back on the correct path."

"He-he.I like the way you said 'correct',instead of 'right',cuz,there could of been some confusion.Republicans are 'right'.Democrats are 'left'.Maybe you could have meant the right sided path-not to pick the one on the left...he-he.I'm nervous,meeting a ghost and all."

"Hmmm,right path...that gives me an idea...what do you think,Donald?It just may work."

"Who..who ya talking to?Donald,Donald Trump?"

"He's not dead,yet."

"But he is well connected."

"George,"says John F.Kennedy,putting his arm around George W.Bush,"I'm gonna show you what could have been...."

....They are somewhere in North Vietnam.Jane Fonda is sitting behind a Soviet made anti-aircraft gun.People are taking her photo,and she is looking happy,sexy and smiling.Suddenly,she accidently pushes the trigger and the giant gun goes off,"Oh,Pooh,"she says.

George and JFK follow the projectile as it shoots up and up and up.They continue to follow it as it aims right for an American F-4 Phantom.As it hits the left wing,the picture we see is of the pilot inside,a young George W.Bush,"Aah,crap"states the young George Bush,"And I was short,too."

"Hey,that's me...see,that's why I didn't want to go over there.I KNEW that would happen."

"Just watch,"states Kennedy.The young George is fighting with the controls of the jet.It is shaking him something awful,and he is losing control.He looks for a place to land,and sees the anti-aircraft gun that Jane Fonda shot him down with.Still fighting the controls,he aims his craft towards it and says,"Payback's a bitch."

JFK and George are back on the ground next to Jane and company.They all look on as the disabled and smoking jet heads straight towards them,"Ooopsie,"claims Jane just before the massive fire ball explosion!

George pokes John in the ribs,"Hell,looks like I made the right choice,there.Now,that's funny,except me dying.See,see,that's why I didn't go there.I KNEW something like that would happen."

"George,"states Kennedy,"That crash changed the war.Your Father saw how senseless the war was and did everything in his power to end it.The North sued for terms of peace...they really liked Jane Fonda.The united Vietnam started making Nike tennis shoes allot sooner because of you."

"This is all well and good.But do you have anything that doesn't involve me dying.I didn't like that part.Didn't like it at all."

"But you saved thousands of lives,and knocked off Jane Fonda,to boot."

"Knocking 'up' Jane Fonda,I could've lived with,he-he.But this just ain't me.What else you got in that bag of tricks of yours."

"Well,alright,but you're not gonna like it."

The scene changes.It is an outdoor event in Florida.George and his brother,Jeb,are walking up some steps to a podium in front of a giant crowd,"I'm sorry,George.I wish I could have helped you,but the rights of the people of my state must come first.How could I have ever looked anyone in my state in the eye.They elected me."

"You're a piss poor excuse for a brother,"whispers George as he reaches the podium,"People of the great state of Florida,and of the whole United States of America as well.I concede the presidential race to Al Gore."

"Whoa,there,fella.No,no,no,no,no,no.NO.I didn't do anything you didn't do.Don't throw this at me."

"I didn't do anything like that...Bobby did."

With a start,George W.Bush wakes up,"Huh...what?I'm tellin'ya,"he says speaking to no one but himself,"No more Cajun chicken pizzas for me before bedtime,"he sets the Bible in his hands down on the table next to him,"Time for a warm glass of milk then I'm off to bed."

Chapter Twelve:

George W.Bush is in his private White House kitchen micro-waving a mug of whole milk.'Ding!'It is done.He opens the micro-waves door and instead of his mug of warm milk he sees Richard Nixon's head,"Boo!"

"Geez!"yells Dubya,turning away quickly.This time he sees the whole body of Richard M. Nixon,head and all,"Aaaah,"George screeches.He turns away,again.Again,he sees the ghost of Nixon,"Whoa!"George turns right into a cupboard,knocking himself to the floor.Tricky Dick,bends over-shoulders hunched,hands together-and asks,"Are you all right?"

Suddenly,George jumps up and tackles our thirty seventh president.They both go sprawling to the ground,"Ha-ha,do you think this is funny?Come on,you creepy ghost,say uncle."

"Now just wait a gosh darned minute,"yells Nixon,"I'm here to help you."

"Say uncle,first,"the scrapping George yells at Dick,"What ya gonna tell me about anyway,huh?"

Single word answers escape Nixon's mouth,"Darfur.Sudan.Iraq."

Soon the forty third president has the thirty seventh in a headlock and is twirling around on the floor trying to pin him,"None of those words is 'uncle'.Try again....

"Uuugh,Afghanistan,Katrina,cough-cough.No health insurance,unemployment,China,North Korea...cough ugh."

"Ya gotta say 'uncle' first,before I'll listen,"says George applying the pressure.

Suddenly,Richard M.Nixon remembers he's from Heaven and taps George on the hip,thus causing George enough pain to let him go.

"Why,why,that's cheatin,"claims Dubya,"And I had ya,too.Ouch,by hip is mighty sore."

Tricky Dick helps our hero up off the floor,"You're quite a scrapper.I wasn't expecting that."

"Well,"says 'W',"I was a cheerleader.What's all those words got ta do with me,anyway?Can ya tell me?"

"George,right now there is allot of suffering going on in the world.Kids in Dufar getting their hands chopped off.Soldiers in Iraq losing their legs.Poverty and good hard working people just barely getting by."

"Ya can't change nothing.It's always been like that.I'm only one man."'Ding'.George hears the micro-wave go off.Instinctively,he turns around and opens the door,and graps his mug of milk,"Besides,Potters says...hey,were ya go...?"
Chapter Thirteen:

George Walker Bush is finally off to bed.He pulls the covers back and hops in.He turns over to Laura to snuggle up.George says,"Hey,baby,wantta play some Duke Nukem?"


"Aaaaaaaaaah!!!"George is again startled.This time enough to jump out of bed-dancing on his tip toes...Mr.Reagan!?!What are you...I are you...Crap!!!Just Crap!!

Ronnie sits up,pulling the sheets comfortably around his waist.He pats the bed next to him,"Here,George,come sit.We need to talk."

"No thanks.I'll think I'll stand.This is just too creepy on too many levels...yuck."

"Oh come now,George.It's not like I'm gay.I'm grandfatherly."

"This is totally freakin' me out.Huggin' up to the ghost of Reagan...Oooooh."

Now cut it out,George.It's not like I'm Lincoln or anything."


"Yes,Lincoln was gay."

"Oooh,I don't care about whose gay.Mary Cheney is gay...and I like her.I like her allot.Some of the nicest people I know are gay.I don't mind gay...A ghost in my bed..your,I mind that."

"What?You don't mind gay people."

"Hell,no.Never did.I was taught not to hate.Not to be a hater.It's just an act.Gotta keep the power base happy."

"Well then,is your stance on abortion just a lie,then too?"

"Well,I don't know...I'm sort of wishy washy on that one.But how can I tell a Mother to not have an abortion when I'm sending her kids off to maybe die in Iraq and Afganistan.Again,it's a power base thing.Gotta keep the constituents happy."

"And stem cell research!?!"

"Heeeell,I don't care.If I scratch my arm and a few cells flake that murder?If you're gonna fertilize eggs,and you're not gonna need 'em.What ya gonna do?Throw 'em away?How's that helping anyone?Hell,everything that lives,dies.It's the value of the time lived that counts.Not the length.Only God brings life into the world.Only he can take it out.Isn't it what we do with the life God gave us that counts....You were president.You know.It's a power base thing."

"Why yes..yes..I do."

"And another thing.You know what those people in Iraq need?Jobs.Put a Honda plant in there and bam.You'll have a progress explosion.Not only will ya have'll have all the little Honda side plants....stamping making plants...wire harness factories.Hell those people would be too busy and tired to tell Sunni from Shiite ...let alone to blow each other up."

"Why,that IS a GOOD idea."

"But Potter says it won't go.Halliburton is the way.He says there are too many lost jobs here.People would complain.I'd lose my power base."

Ronald Reagan pats the side of the bed next to him,and this time George sits down,"Now,George,none of us is perfect.I wanted to strengthen the worker unions,not destroy them,but I was talked out of it.I always wished I could have changed that,but I didn't.But it is not too late for you.Those are good ideas you have."

"Ya,for all the good they do me,"he shrugs his shoulders,"They say they're stupid."

"George,you are the President of The United States Of America.You are the LEADER of the free world."

"Yeah,"says George moping,"So?"

"So Lead.Where the head goes-the body follows.Where you go,the country will go.Don't be some puppet with a hand up your butt.Use your ideas and lead.The Republicans are losing.You're a lame duck.Who cares about your power base?At least don't put them before what is right.Lead,George.Lead,"with that,Ronald Reagan puts his hand on George Bush's shoulder and immediately dissolves away...."Lead,George.Lead,"are his last words as he's departing.
Chapter Fourteen:

With a start our hero awakens in his study,an open Bible on his lap.George looks down at what the open Bible says:

" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."

"That's good!Real good!"George says,laughing.He,still laughing,runs down the hallway and into another room.At the end of the room are two doors that open to an outside balcony.He throws the doors open and runs out to the balcony railing,and pressing his waist against it,throws up his arms and yells,"I'M THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD! I'M THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD!

Quickly,onto the freshly fallen snow,with his gun in tow,comes a secret service agent from deep within the White House.He looks up to see what the commotion is.

George waves to him,[giggling],"Hey!Jose,what day is it.(Oh,what a wonderful fellow)."

"Today is Monday,December 25th,2006.Christmas day,Sir."

"Ya...ya mean it all happened in one night?"


"Jose?Do you remember that turkey I pardened at Thanksgiving?Well,"George says,full of mirth,"Tell 'em he's lost his reprive.Now go.Go on.And if you're back here with him by noon,I'll give you a three week vacation in Hawaii."

"Sir!Yes,Sir,"and off the agent goes running.

George goes back into the room and picks up the phone,"Ya,this is the president.Get me a direct line to that Kim fella in North Korea.Yes,right now...

...."Hello,Kim,ya little fruitloop.Know what I'm eating,right now.A delicious Big Mac....mmmm it sure is tasty.You know what I'm having for lunch?The biggest fattest turkey you ever saw,stuffed with a duck,stuffed with a chicken.Mmmmm.It's gonna be good.You know what I'm having for supper?Your ass,hotshot.You build one more nuke and I'm kicking your ass with all the weapons at my disposal.Go ahead-tell the world.They already think you're crazy.MMm,what a tasty Big Mac,"CLICK,he hangs up and starts dialling another number,"Merry Christmas,Mr Potter.You're fired.From now on,your job is to just sit there and shut up."He hangs up the phone,and then picks it back up,"Hello?Get me the CEO of Honda...."