"THIS begins AN ex- CEPTional period in young GEOrge's LIFE," continues the lieutenant angel Don Knotts, "He SOOON realized that EVEN amongst the richEST and MOST privileged, when he was SNOOKERED, not only was he richer AND MORE privILEGED.His laissez-faire attitude was a gift from God-And MAKE NOOO MISTAKE,GENTLEMEN-THis waas A Gift from GOD!Young George was NOT HINdered by second guessing himself.HEEE was NOT HINdered by quesTIONING THEE Morality of HIS actions.YOUNG GEORGEKNEW his ASS was covered.HE know HE WAS THE LUCKIEST SON OF A ..."
"Thank you,Don,"interrupts the angel Gabriel,but you are letting your passion s get the best of you...."
"WHat!?!I was GOINg to say Son of a 'CONGRESSMAN'!"
"Yes,of course you were.Now,men,His daddy got him a cushion job flying F-102's in the Texas National Guard."
On the giant Tv screen a video shows a troop transport blowing up in Vietnam,and then another one,"My gad,what the hell is this?Is that Vietnam?I thought we were getting the hell out of there."
President Nixon coughs and shuffles his feet.
Preisdent Reagan asks,"Why are you showing us this war footage?what happened to our other movie?"
"Yes,"goes Kennedy,"Why are you showing these brave young men dying?I thought you were telling us about young George W.Bush."
"I am.I am showing you these senseless deaths because young George wasn't there to save them."
"Yeeeeh Haaaah!"The 72" HDTV shows a giant close up of George in the cockpit of a F-102.He is wearing his flightsuit and helmet with the oxygen mask attached.He is upside down turning rightside up and looking back at his antics,"Yeeh Haw!I never could have done this sober!"
The next image is of a jet flying thunderously close over a women's dorm.On the roof,topless sunbathers are covering themselves up while grabbing for their flying away bikini tops.
"Hot Dog!I hope Jeb's got that on camra."
"Nixon is vivid,"That was inexcusably reckless.Look how close he came to crashing into the men's dormitory!The horror!
"My,those were some big breasted women."
"Well,when I was in The First Motion Picture Unit of The Air Force,it was unnecessary to show those naked woman ."
"GentleMEN,"Lt.Knotts orders,"Eyes forward.The screen goes to two pilots walking back to the hanger from their planes.One is obviously our hero,George Dubya,"I'll never pass the drug screen.I'm tellin' ya,I can't fly these boys sober.They scare the shit outta me.I admit it.I am a hater.I hate daddy's politics,but ...[whispering in close]...daddy's gonna get me stationed down in New Orleans,down in Alabama.Hell,I'm gonna party soo much-I ain't even gonna bother ta show up."
His buddy simply says,"Sweet."
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